Friday, June 8, 2012

Blogging 101 - How to submit a guest post in HTML form

Today I am going to show you how to submit a guest post to someone in HTML form.
It came to my attention that not everyone knows how to do this.
I request posts in HTML form because it is way easier that way & I know alot
of other bloggers do too.

So here is the quick and easy steps on how to do that! :)

One. Write your post as your normally would.

Two. Click on edit HTML After you have your post typed up click on the edit HTML tab found right next to compose.

You will see all of this scary code stuff that is in your post. Don't be alarmed - it's normal. :)

Four. Copy Text

Five. Compose message Go to your e-mail and compose a message.

Six. Paste Paste everything you just copied to the e-mail and put start HTML at the beginning. It helps the person you are sending it to know where it starts.

and to know where it ends. :)

& there you have. That is how you submit a guest post or any post for that matter in HTML form!
Happy Friday!

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