Friday, July 6, 2012

What it takes to own an indie biz - helpful sites & tips

I have hand selected five posts that I have helped me tremendously from other indie biz owners.
No one has all the answers.
But with everyone sharing tips - it is extremely helpful.


1. Don't be afraid to fail. This is the biggest one. Because there are going to be some products that just don't sale as good as other's or don't sale at all - which makes you wonder what went wrong. But don't be afraid of it because it shows you what your customers like and what they don't.

2. Take & break. If you are going to own an indie biz, taking breaks is needed. It gives yourself time to think of new ideas, make new products and most of all it gives you time to let your creativity soar.

3. Give it your all. Don't go into it with half a heart. Throw yourself into your indie biz. Let your customers see that you love what you make and that you are good at it. That the products are dear to your heart.


This post about becoming an expert in your field by Gussy Sews

I love this post by The Wonder Forest on getting started.

This series on defining success on Neathering Our Fest's blog may help you understand what success means to you.

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